Thursday, March 5, 2020

Great side-hustles for introverts to try - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Great side-hustles for introverts to try - Introvert Whisperer Great side-hustles for introverts to try It’s a great time to make an extra buck or two on the side of your regular job, but for many introverts, the idea of constantly meeting new people as an Uber driver or using ToursByLocals to find visiting tourists to show around is not the ideal way to spend your time off. Fortunately, behind the safety of your laptop screen and/or painter’s canvas (or however else you express your excess energy) it’s still possible to supplement your normal wage by earning something on the side for doing what you love. Of course, most people have heard of Etsy, though it may be somewhere you wonder when you’re trying to buy something for around the home rather than hoping to sell. But if you have a crafty hobby that churns out reasonable results at the end, you never know who might spot it on your new online shop and make an order. It’s a big market out there on the internet! Less well-known is Shutterstock where â€" if you’re capable of taking professional-looking photos or videos, and especially if you live in or like to visit iconic locations â€" it’s possible to license your work in the form of stock images. But you don’t have to be creative to hide away at home and generate some extra income. If you have knowledge or experience to burn, it’s possible to write and sell stuff on demand via Fiverr or even compose your own ebook to distribute via Amazon Direct Publishing. Or perhaps you want to get out of the house but keep to the kind of company that respects the needs of your blood pressure â€" in which case, trying getting yourself on Rover and out-and-about as a dog-walker. There are plenty of great ideas for a side-hustle in this new infographic, and while they won’t all be suitable for every disposition, you’re sure to find some introvert-friendly options on how to make a few extra dollars.

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